Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Pickleball Calendars


St. Patrick's Day - Friday. March 17th 

The wearin' o' the green will highlight Friday morning's regular play. Come for a game or 2; then come to Soldier Hollow Grill for lunch at 11:30. Write a limerick to read, with the top 3 winners (loudest applause factor) will be awarded "spirits."
Call Alyce Weisiger (608-229-9007) or Judy Eaton (801-368-6038) to reserve a spot for lunch (on your own coin.) 




Note: See Ken's email for details about what will be taught in each of the clinics.

Beginners' Clinics - Tuesday, March 21st & Friday, April 14th

Ken Fakler and Mike Eaton will teach a FREE basic beginners' clinic from 10:00 to noon at the Rec Center. Participants do not need to be HVPC members, so if you know of someone who wants to learn the game, Ken (kmfakler@msn.com) will take their names and contact them will all the information.

Men's Whistle Stop Tournament - Thursday, March 23rd

The first 32 men to sign up with Ken (kmfakler@msn.com) will play from 9:00 to about 11:15. Be at the Rec Center by 8:30. Your group and player number will be assigned by order of signup. So let Ken know ASAP to ensure your spot. Members ONLY.

An awards luncheon at Soldier Hollow Grill will immediately follow the tournament. All club members are invited to attend. Alyce will have menus at the tournament and will phone in your orders. Let her know if you'll be there. (ajweisiger44@gmail.com)

Intermediate Clinic - Tuesday, April 4th

Kevin Priebe and Ronni Ebner will teach a FREE clinic for club members at 11:00 to 12:30. The clinic is limited to 16 participants, so let Ken know if you want to attend as the clinic will fill up quickly. (kmfakler@msn.com) Members ONLY.

Advanced Clinic - Thursday, April 6th

Kevin and Ronni will teach advanced players "How to Win at Pickleball" for $20 per person. The clinic is limited to 16 participants, so let  Kevin know ASAP. (kepriebe1@hotmail.com) Members ONLY.

Mixed Doubles Whistle Stop Tournament - Wednesday, April 26th

A maximum of 40 players (members ONLY) will be able to participate following the same format as both Women's and Men's tournaments. Ken will send an email with more information about the tournament and lunch afterwards after the first of April. Watch your email for details.

Monday, March 13, 2017

All Winners in the February 22nd Ladies' Tourney

Some were more winners than others...

So, The More Winners were:

A tie for 1st place:
     Marie Bird and Bev Chaidez      
2nd (or 3rd?) place:
     Sheri Paskins

And the Winners were:

Alyce Weisiger, Kris Beer, Jane Bower, Judie Eaton, Melinda Weishar, Lea McDill, Connie Green,
Beth Lawrence, Louise Taylor, Jan Baker, Pam Jepperson, Penelope Peterson, and Minou Boyer

Soooo Fun!
Mine! No, mine!
A winning team
Let's Pickle!
Perfect position

I really WON a game?!?

It's a point!

Just hit it to me, will ya?

I hate these lobs!
It takes teamwork!


Thanks to...

Of course, it takes a dedicated support crew to put on such a fun time. So, a huge thanks to very important winners Ken Fakler, Mike Eaton, and Karen Fakler for all their time, energy and whistle-blowing skills.

Yes, I do love this game!
Where's Karen? Karen, I need YOU!

Post-Tourney Lunch at the Heber City Café was also a Winner

Thanks to Alyce Weisiger and Judie Eaton for planning, awards to the More Winners, and gift bags to the Winners and any others who joined us, whether players or spectators.

And thanks to Cary Hobbs, photographer extraordinaire, for all of these great pictures!

Stay tuned for another blog in a few days. All about St. Paddy's Day, Men's Tourney, and clinics to come.