Welcome, Summer and Welcome, New players!
Thanks to all who attended the great clinic Saturday, June 13 with 25 participants and Brenda Blackham's awesome leadership. She covered the 1,2,3 shot strategy and we learned just one more aspect of this great game of pickleball.Here's what Brenda said about the clinic:
I really enjoyed the
morning and appreciated how attentive and receptive everyone was. Your group is
to be commended not only for the vast improvement they have shown, but for the
beautiful sportsmanship they display every day.
And from the group: The clinic was perfect! weather, topics covered, and best of all, your
instruction! So glad you could do this for the club and help us all become
better players!
Yay! Another great clinic coming in July. Save the date and sign up soon for July 9th, 10 to noon clinic led by experienced players in Utah, Arizona, and the RV circuit. Jim and Alison Pelletier will conduct a skills clinic for those hoping to improve their games and learn some of the finer points of pickleball. Come for the clinic, come back for the appetizer potluck from 5 to 8 pm. Both events held at Valais courts and pavilion. To participate in the clinic, you must be a member of HVPC. Everyone, including non-members can certainly watch and all are welcome at the social. Bring an appetizer to share, your beverage of choice, and your lawn chairs. RSVP to Leslie, 2lolo@earthlink.net or 435-671-1405.
Early bird play
Summertime is here and the heat is cranked up, so many players have decided to start outdoors at 8 am. Tennis players still have the courts Mondays and Fridays, so we'll start at 9:30 those days. If you can find others who are real early birds, go for it even earlier. If you are interested in evening play, let me know and we can get a group together.An update from our Vice-President, Cary Hobbs
In the past weeks, several regular players at the Wasatch Rec Center have asked the HVPC Board to consider scheduling pickleball games outside the "Open Play" times already scheduled by the Club. Some players have formed their own groups to play earlier than the regular 9 am start time. Many are interested in pursuing a more competitive level, somewhat based on the USAPA and International Association rating system. See the online description of the skill levels from 2 to 5 in ,5 increments. (www.ipickleball.org/ifg-rating-descriptions/ )At the Board meeting June 15th, most of us felt that, in addition to growing the game, the primary goal/benefit of the HVPC is the social interaction we enjoy with each other. We also believe that playing regularly with other players who are more skilled tends to raise the level of play for everyone, another goal of our group. Many people have made many new friendships as a result of our "open play" format.
Although we don't promote league-type competition within the group, we realize that some people enjoy a game with others based on skill level or on other factors such as friendships, gender, couples, etc. Arranging groups of players and games other than the Club's open-type competition at scheduled times only expands the game of pickleball. And although the Club won't actually be scheduling those groups, we enthusiastically support any type of play that grows the game for all levels.
Just a reminder that our schedule of open play is 8 to noon daily (Monday and Friday at 9:30) at Valais outdoor courts. Games may still be going on at the Rec Center from 9 to noon as well.
Everyone is welcome to come and have fun!
Cary Hobbs
Save these dates:
Thursday, July 9 - 10 to noon - Clinic with Jim & Alison Pelletier at Valais CourtsThursday, July 9 - 5 to 8 pm - Appetizer Potluck at Valais Pavilion
Wednesday, August 5 - 10 to noon - Clinic with Brenda Blackham
Social TBA